Massage with this oil whenever you feel pain. Massage three times if suffering from arthritis.
Ingredients: Take an empty honey bee hive.250 g, coconut oil and black seed oil 50 g each.
Preparation: Put the hive into a big pot along with coconut oil and black seed. Turn on the heat for at least an hour on slow cook. Remove heat after an hour but leave the mixture as it is for 72 hours. After that make a homogenous mixture with your hand and filter it. The medicine is ready. If you are suffering from arthritis, then massage with this oil three times a day. It equally works on wounds and injuries as well and works wonders.
Relieve from Menstrual Pain:
Burn Treatment: Children specially get burns at times and it leaves scar. It you apply coconut oil on the burnt skin, it would remove the scar (Page 413)
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